Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Cassowary fruit (poisonous)

Male Cassowary and chick (apparently the males raise the young)

Not a good start of the vacation

Ferry to Daintree National Park

The JUCY van

Savita climbing into the Penthouse

The dining room

The Kitchen

Moshe cleaning the dust of the van

Quick stop in Guam on the way to Oz.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Pomarosa or Rose Apple. They are really sweet and taste like rose water. They are usually round or oval shaped, but this one has more of a butt shape, so hence and forever more will the Pomarosa fruit be known as the bum apple in our family.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Getting ready...

...for  Moshe's birthday party tomorrow. Cut a trail, made a map, nowwll that remains is burying the treasure and the map.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Extraordinary Moshe

Moshe decided that instead of a healthy treat

He would treat the class with something to read

A Dictionary about Extraordinary Animals is what he chose

It is filled with facts about a Gorilla’s nose,

Ladybugs in space, Sloths that poop 52 times a year,

White Black bears, and Zebra fish that have ear

There is an animal that I know very well

It is called a Moshe and this is what I can tell

A fun fact about Moshe I can share

He was born with little or no hair

He also likes to take things apart

But putting it back together is sometime too hard

Moshe loves to play in dirt

And has a knack for getting hurt

We love him with all his little quirks

He melts your heart when he smirks

He is quite extraordinary I would say

And we wish him a Happy 5th Birthday

Happy Birthday Moshe!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Half Marathon!

1st Half Marathon and still smiling at the finish