Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mom and daughter

Here's mom leaving for work, but first she has to say goodbye to her daughter. Savita has caught on to the camera and whenever she hears the little tune when we turn on the camera, she stops everything she is doing to pose for the camera.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where did she go?


When the moon is in the seventh house and jupiter aligns with mars, peace will guide the planets......

Look even the hair style is the same!

Monday, February 25, 2008


"I don't have to stay on my mat if I don't want to!"

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby Pilates

I think they call it "Neomama Post Natal Baby Pilates"


Savita has started reading her own books.

Friday, February 22, 2008

5 Months and 5 days

Time flies. Savita is growing so fast that if she keeps going at this rate she will be 6 ft before her 5th birthday. She perfected the rolling part and is now on to bigger and better things. She manages to move around a little pretty deftly by trigering or by pushing her face in her mat, stretching her legs and lifting her butt in the air and either push her face forward (I call it nuzzling) or roll over at an angle and thus turning. Whenever she moves an inch she looks really smug, like; 'did you guys see that?'. Last night we watched her for 15 minutes while she nuzzled around in circles in her crib. Besides the obvious joy she takes in her new found freedom, where she used to turn around a soon as you put her on her back she now spends half her time on her back doing her baby style of pilates. When on her back she lifts up her legs straight as if she is doing an ab work out, you can already see a tiny 6 pack forming. Next time she does it I will try to take a picture. Who knows there might be money in a baby work out DVD?
Got to love your dad who takes pictures of you when you've just woken up.
Ook even snel in het Nederlands. Savita groeit zo snel dat als ze op deze manier doorgaat is ze net zo lang als haar vader voor haar 5de verjaardag. Het omrollen is oude koek op dit moment en ze is bezig met zich voorzichtig aan het voortbewegen. Ze kan een beetje tijgeren of ze duwt haar neus in haar mat, strekt haar benen, kont omhoog en duwt dan haar neus naar voren (ik noem het neuzen) of ze rolt schuin om en draait zo in de ronte. Als ze zo een stukje vooruit komt kijkt ze heel wijs om zich heen zo van; 'hebben jullie dat gezien?' Gisteren hebben we 15 minutes naar haar staan kijken terwijl ze rondjes neusde in haar bed. Buiten het feit dat ze zichzelf kostelijk vermaakt met haar nieuw gevonden vrijheid, heeft ze er op dit moment ook een handje naar om op haar rug pilates te doen. Ze blijft nu dus meer op haar rug liggen ipv gelijk naar haar buik te draaien en tilt dan haar benen tegelijk op alsof ze oefening voor haar buikspieren aan het doen is. Je kunt al een miniscuul wasbordje zien. He wie weet valt er geld te verdienen met een baby exercise DVD?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Puppy Love

Savita and Sashi are getting to know one another and don't seem to mind eachothers company.

Especially for Uncle Kong...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Big Girl

Savita is eating her rice cereal pretty regularly at the moment and getting pretty good at it. This is right after finishing her bowl. Look no bib mom!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Size difference

Sometimes it is hard to imagine how much she has grown in the last 4 months. That's when it comes in handy to compare pictures.

Walk About

The carrier is still a big hit. This is us about to leave on our daily walk down the hill. She's getting pretty heavy by the way, I can feel it in my calves going back up the hill.

Sit ups

Rolling over is old now, she's started rolling back and she wants to do sit ups whenever she on our laps.