Friday, June 27, 2008

More screendoor fun

Strong like bull

She's up to 3lbs right now. We're trying to get her up to 17lbs, that way she can pull herself up by her bootstraps.


She hasn't quite figured out the screendoor....

but it is always nice to have a supportive father.


Savita has figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets.... I guess we need to keep an even closer eye on her.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rain Blues

It rained the other day and Savita likes nothing better than going outside. Unfortunately she had to stay inside at least until the rain stopped so she spend 20 min watching the rain, hoping it would stop.

Power Outage

This is what a baby in the dark looks like.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Got Pugua?

We're having a hard time trying to stop Savita from chewing beetlenut.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Papa's Big Help

Savita wanted to help in the garden today. She pulled out some of the grass, picked up a couple of leaves here and there, and found a rock she thought was worth keeping. We took a much needed shower with the garden hose afterwards.

Young Houdini

Young Houdini got a hold of the cord of the luxaflex yesterday and managed to tie and untie herself in mere seconds. We think she's ready to go on the road with the Saipan Freak Show. If only she could grow a beard she'd really be a sight to behold.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dutch Girl

Trying the wooded shoe on for size.

Oh we were at the Dr's office the other day, because we weren't quite sure if Savita's high fever was because of her new teeth or a virus. It turned out it was both. Anyway Ms. Chubby was put on the scale and she weighs 17 pounds.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Baby Pilates II

Ok here goes, pay attention, plank with seed pods in hand:


Monday, June 9, 2008

Today 6/9

You've got to love teething. Mom and daughter are recovering on the couch. Savita decided to grow two instead of one teeth at once this week and she has been a little cranky and feverish. Today she's feeling a little better. Here she is trying out the new teeth on one of her toys.

New Outfit

These pictures are a couple of days old. This is one of Savita's new outfits.

Here she is inspecting her new shoes and apparently she hasn't figured out what to do with them. They do taste pretty good though.