Seems like Savita is growing an inch everyday. She's getting taller, wiser, faster, cheekier, and more inquisitive by the minute. She's working on adding two upper teeth which makes her a little more cranky than usual (eventhough she isn't a cranky tottler at all). Her walking is progressing nicely, she walk most of the time, but she still looks like she has been drinking heavily. Recently Savita has taken to blowing kisses instetad of waving to every one she meets. We started the "milk & cup experiment": we've switched her from baby formula to regular milk, no problem. Switching her from the bottle to a sippy cup has been a bit more of a struggle. She will drink water and juice from a cup, but flat out refuses to drink her milk out of one. Yesterday she didn't drink any milk until I finally broke down in the afternoon and put her milk in a bottle. I don't care how tough you are a whiny child for 10 hrs WILL wear you be continued though.