Friday, November 21, 2008


Bought this chair today for Savita because we don't really have any small size chairs. Looked at several kids chairs with funky prints on it for beaucoups of money, but none of them seemed as nice, sturdy and stable as this one. Savita seems to like it. She can get on and off easily and move it around to where she wants it. Note mom relaxing in the background.
I know Savita looks huge in this picture, but she's not quite that big. She growing fast and is up to Thu butt, but she's petite compared to some other kids I have seen on island her age. At her 1 year check up she was in the 50% for her age.

Friday, November 14, 2008

In de knel

Savita had zich aardig in de knel gewurmt vanmorgen op een stoel onder de tafel en toen zat ze opeens vast. De goede vader die ik ben, ik heb haar eerst uitgelachen toen een foto genomen (moest eerst nog even de batterij vervangen, want die was leeg) en haar uiteindelijk uit haar benarde positie bevrijd.

Ze begint een aardige klimmer te worden. Ze heeft het vorige week voor elkaar gekregen om uit haar bed te vallen. Kennelijk is ze helemaal omhoog geklommen aan de spijlen van haar ledikant en heeft toen haar lichaam er overheen kunnen wurmen. Ik hoorde haar alleen vallen. Niks aan de hand geen gebroken botten, blauwe plekken, of schaaf wonden.

Savita managed to get herself in a bit of a bind this morning on top of a chair underneath the table. Good parent that I am I first laughed at her then had to take a picture of course (before I could do that I had to change the battery because it was empty) and eventually freed her from her tight spot.

She's becomming quite the climber. She succeded to fall out of her bed last week too. Apparently she climbed all the way up the rungs of her crib and hurled her body over the top. I just heard the thud. She walked it off though, no broken bones, bruises or scrapes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Eigenwijze Drol

Hard to Imagine

It's is still hard to imagine how fast Savita is growing.... She walking, talking gibberish and learning more each day.



Samba bal

"Ik heb worstjes op m'n borstjes, preitjes op mijn dijtjes, marmalades en salades op mijn bil...."

Thu thought it was a good idea to buy these maracas (samba ballen) for Savita, when you shake them they count to ten and name the colors of the rainbow (in both English and Spanish) or they just play music. She likes them, but after 5 minutes it gets pretty annoying (to me at least!) when Savita walks around shaking the thing and yells out, rojo!, naraja!, amarillo!, verde!, azul!, morado!


Our new and improved shed.



People sometimes ask us why we live in Saipan. Here's my answer from now on: because the view from our shed is most likely better than the view from your house. Note the reflection of the view in the window.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Aspiring Chair Woman

As soon as we get up from a chair Savita will climb in and make herself comfortable.