Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dancing Queen

Doing a quick dance on the drywall dad was about to cut.

Busy day at the Command Center

Savita spend quite sometime arranging whatever not from the Command Center today. She barked orders into the mouse/phone while pounding on the keyboard.

Monday, December 29, 2008

With the fixins

No Savita pictures today. Just finished fixing our neighbors/tenants screened in porch. Really needed to be done. Now it looks and feels a bit like a 50's diner I think......not sure yet if that is a good or a bad thing.



Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xmas/St Nicolas present

We didn't celebrate either holiday this year, but we thought it would be nice for Savita to have a bike for outside.....of course they no longer make regular bikes that just bike.....this one has lights and sounds and what not.....so when Savita took her nap this afternoon I took out the batteries.

Here's the outside ride inside, just for today.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


How do you teach a one year old to use chopsticks? I have no idea, I didn't learn how to use them properly until I was well in my teens. Here's Savita giving it her best shot. Maybe it is innate?

If the shoe fits.......

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Taking care of the pearly whites

Mountain Goat

We can't turn around or Savita is on top of something, preferably standing! Here she climbed on top of the chair to be closer to the speaker so she could better enjoy the music. Other than that not much new.....used Skype with Opa and Omi which was a big succes with Savita waving and blowing kisses.

Op deze foto's kun je ook goed de tegels zien die tijdens de eerste verbouwing vorig jaar Jan. in de 'voorkamer' zijn gelegd. Zand kleurige tegels. In de vorige post kun je nog de oude tegels zien die in de woonkamer liggen, die zullen we op een gegeven moment ook wel vervangen, maar eerst even een aantal andere dingen ondernemen.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Great Orator Savita

Whenever there's a box around Savita deems it her toy and so the box our new laptop came in was also considered hers to play with. It's great to drag around the house as a make shift suitcase, but that gets boring after a while. She figured out she could climb on top of it and be taller. Here's the great orator on her soap box. Especially the look in the seconsd picture is great I think.

Big Help

Here's our big help climbing the ladder to "help" dad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Books are the in thing right now. No no she doesn't read them yet, she just leaves through them. Once she's leaved through them a couple of times she moves on to the next book.