Saturday, December 26, 2009

Outside lunch

Lunch outside. Savita's idea.


Moshe didn't quite warm up to Santa. He did manage to pull out a couple of beard hairs. Savita stayed clear of Santa, yet walked away with a present.

Xmas cleaning

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Almost 7 Months and enterprizing

Almost 7 Months and Moshe has decided that crawling is no longer his thing and has been trying to get up on the table. He can't quite reach the top of the coffee table yet and have enough strength to pull himself up. However he has mangaged to use the small chairs as his step up to make it up to the table. The laundry basket also makes a good walker. I haven't been able to get any pictures of him standing yet, because once he's up he wobbles and looks like he is going to fall. So far I have been able to save him from falling and knocking his head all but once. I am sure there will be others.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sitting Bull

or maybe toothless grin...


Kerstcadeautje van de buurvrouw! Savita is er dolblij mee. Haar ouders niet zo!

After going to the dentist. Savita had her teeth cleaned and after it all was said and done, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to sit some more in the big chair. She went home with stickers, floss, a toothbrush, and gloves that smell like grape.

Monday, December 7, 2009

De toren van Savabel

My guess is Savita that will be the one to build the first skyscraper on Saipan.


Sinterklaas. Schoenen voor de deur in de hoop dat de stoomboot van Sinterklaas ook in Saipan langs komt.

Savita heeft netjes een mandarijntje voor het paard van Sinterklaas in haar schoen gedaan, in Moshe's schoen een citroen. Of dat met voorbedachte raden gedaan is weet ik niet.

De Goed Heilig man is zowaar in Saipan langs gekomen.

De volgende morgen.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

PIC day with school

Fresh out of the shower and ready for her day at PIC (a hotel with a waterpark) with her class. The weather has been crummy, but we figured it would still be fun.

Within 5 minutes in the water Savita was shivering and had blue lips, but she didn't want to get out of the water. After one hr I decided to pull her out of the water so she could warm up. While we were taking a hot shower, she was crying she wanted to go back in the water.

Note the orange wrist band Savita is wearing. She is still wearing it today. She refused to take it off, we'll see how long it will last. You might be seeing pictures of Savita for a while with the orange wrist band. Hey, Lance Armstrong started a trend with yellow wrist bands why can't Savita, is all I am saying?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kleine Johannes

Why the big spoon?

That way I get to eat more dirt before my dad catches up with me.