Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hop Hop Paardje

Horse: Savita
Jockey: Moshe

Mechanic Moshe

For some reason it is more interesting to Moshe to turn his truck upside down and put things in the bottom than to sit on top and actually drive the thing.

All in a days work

Savita taking her baby for a stroll.

Washing her baby's clothes.

Savita's first self portret

Note the red mohawk. I hope that is not a sign of things to come. Ah well, at least she is smiling.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



- Savita & Moshe

Monday, November 8, 2010

Opa getting a haircut

Van de wal in de sloot

Good help, that doesn't climb the structure you're trying to construct while you're still working on it, is hard to find.

Look at me!

Look at me, I am standing on the tire swing!

Pff.....that's nothing, look at me, I am climbing a tree!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Ivar kun je je nog herinneren dat ik niet wilde dat je de berg via de rotsen af klom bij ons huis? Hier is de reden...

Kwam net thuis en een van de grote rotsen is naar beneden gevallen. Het grootste rotsblok is ongeveer zo groot als een kleine auto.

Bit of a rockslide next to the house this morning. We've had a lot of rain and one of the huge boulders that has been leaning precariously for the last couple of years finally rolled down the hill. Will have to get busy this afternoon to see if I can support some of the bigger boulders to keep them from falling too.

Tottot (Marianas Fruit Dove)

In the back yard

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Spot Spot

Okay her name is Sashi, Spot just sounded better

Boxers or Briefs?


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Moshe proofing

I have been making steps down the hill at the front of the house and Moshe has gotten into the habit of walking up to the edge at the top and throwing things down. Since it is a 15ft sheer drop we were a little afraid that one of these days he'd throw himself down with the sticks and stones. We figured a railing from bamboo would do the trick, so I set out to make such a railing. We thought it would slow him down just enough for us to catch him.

Not so, instead of walking up to the edge he now just climbs down the path. The other day we lost track of Savita and Moshe for a split second.

We found them together at the bottom of the hill, where Savita is in this last picture. We're now thinking of just buying both of them crash helmets.

Friday, September 17, 2010

3 yrs old

Prepping for the big day. It is hard to believe that the baby in the picture above is the same as the girl in the last picture of this post. Time truly flies.

The Cake: Chocolate of course

Princess Savita on her steed. Because she just got the bike this morning we let her bike inside the house before going to school. When Savita came back from school, I'd already put the bike outside to her dismay, she wanted the bike back inside. I told her no, because bikes belong outside. She wanted the bike inside, because she was afraid the tires would get dirty.

We were asked by the school to provide a couple of pictures for her birthday celebration at school. So we put some pics together and made it into a little book for the teacher to read to the other kids in the class.

With a full set of hair
and a little pop she was there
Out of her mom's belly she came
Savita was her name

She would eat, sleep, poop and pee
and now all of a sudden she is three

First Savita had to learn how to crawl
roll over like a ball
She'd try to walk, wobble and fall

On her first cake
one candle was all it took
Is that chocolate on her nose? Look!

Savita figured out how to walk
and my goodness TALK
She now also has a little brother
and sometimes she thinks she is his mother

Birthday number two of you know who
Guess what kind of cake? Come on, guess
If you said chocolate I'd say, YES

Savita now pastes, draws, sews,
and whatever else who knows

Three years old today
Hip hip hooray

We are wondering what to bake
Maybe we should make.....


Dare Devil

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ready to ship

Island kids

That's right we grow snack size coconuts especially for the kids.

Ready for school!

Even I thought they looked cute together here.