Friday, August 13, 2010

Around the island


115 steps up and down and Savita walked all the way up by herself.


Aqua Resort, Managaha in the background

Banzai cliff

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The hardware

PUMA - Palau Underground Mafia Association

At the beach

More from around the house


Proof they made it Saipan.

On Mount Topochau with the whole fam. before we got chased away by the rain. Perfectly nice day until we made it to the top. As soon as we parked the car the clouds started moving in, obscuring the view too.

Savita happy that her grandparents are visiting

Our backyard with wild orchids.

More of the backyard.

Micronesian Games.

Ready to 'REPRESENT!' Managed to eke out 2 bronze medals in the 500m and Long Distance events.