Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flowers & Fruits

Water Hyacinth

First Ever Pineapple!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It is hard to believe but he is really 2! 2 years old already! He's got quite the character for a 2 year old.

Okay, his sister too, here's Savita being Savita.

Moshe being Mosh.

And this is how big his sister has gotten, she's only 3 and a half!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Moshe at School

Moshe's class planting a hibiscus during "green day" or world forestry day.

Moshe and Raphael dropping off the recycling.

Savita at the Kite Festival

Moshe at School

The princess, the chicken, and the smartypants.

Savita: I am a princess.
Moshe: I am a princess.
Savita: Moshe you can not be a princess, boys can be a prince or a king.
Me: That's right Mosh, what would you like to be a prince or a king?
Moshe: I am chicken.....pok....pok...
Me: Are you sure Mosh, you don't want to be a prince?
Moshe: I am a butterfly.
Me: You've upgraded from chicken to a butterfly? Which one is it butterfly or chicken?
Moshe: I am a chicken and papa is a smartypants.

Where do they get this stuff?


Moshe's Joker impression. All it took was one jelly sandwich.