Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I love you card

Savita's school likes to keep the parents involved and so they came up with the stupid idea to have all the parents make 'I love you' cards. The lovey dovey stuff gives me a little bit of the creeps sometimes and I wasn't planning on making a dumb card, but I also didn't want Savita to feel left out. The idea: a 'kijkdoos'. Since Thu had never seen a 'kijkdoos' before, this one comes with the instructions included...

Savita saw me working on it when she woke up from her nap and has been asking to look through the hole. She will have to wait until she gets it at school, but here's a preview for y'all. Don't tell Savita. I'd say it came out alright this 'I love you kijkdoos'.

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