Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I was trying to take a before picture with both of them looking at the camera. Too much to ask I guess.

Good shot of Savita's special 'hiking pants'


Serenity disturbed, I must have said something really ugly or farted.

Jelle herkent vast de pet van de gids

Lunch at the beach (Pau Pau)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Darn ledge


Summits and shoes

Moshe is constantly looking for new challenges. We pull him off the couch at least 10 times a day. Here he is after reaching the summit of the beach chair.

Shoes are funny things to a 10 month old. Since he's walking we thought we'd break out the shoes, but Moshe promptly stopped walking with the funny things on his feet. He's much more interested in tasting them. He still tastes everything.....and when I say everything, I mean everything. Whatever he bumps into goes into his mouth. I had him outside yesterday while I was trying to do some yard work. Not quite! I had to stop every few seconds to take things out of his mouth, I lost count of how many rocks I stopped him from eating. I guess we can claim he's tough....our son eats rocks for breakfast.

Party planner

Savita's new thing are parties and BBQs. She's constantly busy preparing, setting up, and cooking for events for her dolls, Moshe, and us. Here she is getting ready for a BBQ.


We're in trouble. Moshe is able to climb out of his crib and onto our bed. I put him asleep this morning and decided to take a nap myself. An hour or so later Moshe woke me up. At first it confused me seeing him in our bed, thinking I did put him in his own bed didn't I? So, I put him back in his bed and sure enough he turned right around and climbed out of it onto our bed. We need to figure out a way to keep him in. We can go with the fence overhang with barbed wire or for the low budget solution of glass shards on top of the railing of the bed. Don't know yet which will give us more bang for our bucks.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Fav Spot

Moshe's new favorite place. I am expecting him to pull an Al Bundy with his diaper one of these days.

Locamoshen II

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Geen bijzondere bloem, maar hij ruikt wel heel bijzonder. Je ruikt hem alleen 's avonds en ik kon de geur eerst niet goed plaatsen, maar hij ruikt als gestoofte peertjes, lekker!

A type of Helleconia, fake ginger, or bird of paradise.


The little man is on the move. He started this week with 2 steps, moved on to 4, and is already up to at least 10 right now.

Today at the beach

Moshe at the beach today. We went swimming, he was loving it, splashing, kicking and licking the water.

Wondering why you haven't seen pictures of Savita for a while. She doesn't want to sit still anymore for pictures and is thus a little harder to capture. We'll keep trying.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Future Couch Surfer

Moshe has figured out how to get on top of the couch and manages to get on there every time we turn our backs. I had him running around naked for just a little before taking a shower. In that short period of time he managed to climb on the couch and pee through the screendoor. Good thing he didn't climb on the screendoor and pee on the couch.

The little man has started walking a bit more. He's taking 4 steps at the time now, before deciding he's had enough.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moshe update

Moshe just turned 10 months this Sunday and took his first two steps. Since then he's been slacking. He's crazy fast while crawling so he's probably thinking, why walk when I can crawl faster than most people can walk?

Pictures will take a little bit. We ran out of batteries for our camera and haven't bought new ones yet.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Savita says the darnest things 2

While in the car. Savita claps and says: "Good job papa" Me: "Excuse me?" Savita: "You are doing a good job driving papa!" Me: "Well, thank you."

In the car with her doll. Savita: "My baby wants to drink milk from my nipples." Me: "Are you going to feed her?" Savita: "I can't feed her and drive."

Again in the car. Savita: "Can I play with your phone papa?" Me: "No." Savita: "I just want to borrow it." Me: "The answer is still No". Savita: "Papa doesn't want to share?"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kids say the darnest things

It's a lot of fun talking to Savita right now. Here are some examples of conversations we're having.

Me: "Eat your bread Savita." Savita: "It's not bread" Me: "You're right, eat your bagel". Savita to Thu: "Papa said bread."

Me: "Savita do you understand?" Savita "Yes, papa!" Me: "Good, then we're on the same page" Savita: "What page?!"

Pointing at a male friends beer belly. "Where's the baby?"

At a restaurant while Savita is staring at another table. Me: "Savita, we're eating over here." Savita pointing at another table: "We eat there?" Me: "No, right here". Savita pointing at yet another table. "We eat there?"

At the Zoo. Savita: "The bear is smelly, he needs to take a shower."

Arriving home from school. Savita: "We are HERE!" Me: "Yes, we are. Now can you take your buckle off so we can go inside?" Savita after a little pause: "I am thinking about it."

Me: "It's our 8 year anniversary Savita." Savita: "No". Me: "Yes it is, it is papa and mama's anniversary." Savita: "Nooo, it is not your birthday." Me: "No, it is our anniversary. We've been married for 8 years." Savita: "Were is my married?" Uhm, you're not married yet. When you get older, you'll first have to find yourself a boy who you really like and then you can get married and have kids? Savita: "Where is my kids?" You don't have any yet. Savita: "Where is my kids?"

Savita sometimes does not pronouce the 's' at the beginning of a word. So when she was walking up the hill the other day with a stick she proudly announced that that was her 'walking dick'.

In the car. Savita: "I want my window open!" Me: "Maybe if you ask nicer". Savita in her best feigned nice singsong voice paired with a little eye roll : "May I please have my window open papa, please!"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Never seen before....

Backyard wonders: I have never seen this before. The plant is a Yucca type plant and it started growing a flower stem that just got longer and longer. It starts at the crown of the plant and now extents all the way to the bottom. The flowers smell really nice, especially at night.

Savita's progress report

No kidding they get progress reports in the toddler program (that is what they call the glorified daycare at Brilliant Star). Looks like our daughter is a model student, just like her dad. Friday we have parent - teacher conferences. It is my turn to attend..... what do you ask the teacher at meeting like that?

More wedding pics