Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kids say the darnest things

It's a lot of fun talking to Savita right now. Here are some examples of conversations we're having.

Me: "Eat your bread Savita." Savita: "It's not bread" Me: "You're right, eat your bagel". Savita to Thu: "Papa said bread."

Me: "Savita do you understand?" Savita "Yes, papa!" Me: "Good, then we're on the same page" Savita: "What page?!"

Pointing at a male friends beer belly. "Where's the baby?"

At a restaurant while Savita is staring at another table. Me: "Savita, we're eating over here." Savita pointing at another table: "We eat there?" Me: "No, right here". Savita pointing at yet another table. "We eat there?"

At the Zoo. Savita: "The bear is smelly, he needs to take a shower."

Arriving home from school. Savita: "We are HERE!" Me: "Yes, we are. Now can you take your buckle off so we can go inside?" Savita after a little pause: "I am thinking about it."

Me: "It's our 8 year anniversary Savita." Savita: "No". Me: "Yes it is, it is papa and mama's anniversary." Savita: "Nooo, it is not your birthday." Me: "No, it is our anniversary. We've been married for 8 years." Savita: "Were is my married?" Uhm, you're not married yet. When you get older, you'll first have to find yourself a boy who you really like and then you can get married and have kids? Savita: "Where is my kids?" You don't have any yet. Savita: "Where is my kids?"

Savita sometimes does not pronouce the 's' at the beginning of a word. So when she was walking up the hill the other day with a stick she proudly announced that that was her 'walking dick'.

In the car. Savita: "I want my window open!" Me: "Maybe if you ask nicer". Savita in her best feigned nice singsong voice paired with a little eye roll : "May I please have my window open papa, please!"

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